
Showing posts from August, 2022

How the Pandemic Shortened Life Expectancy in Indigenous Communities

Know about the many mental health benefits of reading

Heat waves + air pollution can be a deadly combination: The health risk together is worse than either alone

What makes fibre a friend of those with diabetes or prediabetes?

A combination of these two ingredients will ensure you ‘gain healthy weight’

Raw, cooked, ripe: Can pregnant women have papaya in any form?

Does playing racquet sports, running help reduce cancer and cardiovascular risk in older adults?

U.S. Life Expectancy Falls Again in ‘Historic’ Setback

9.2 km, 14 minutes and a donor heart reached the boy who needs it most

From preconception to post-delivery: Dietary guidelines for better health

What does the colour of your poop reveal about your health?

Tea drinkers enjoy possible health benefits, study suggests

NCRB report 2021: 7.2 per cent increase in death by suicide; experts say ‘busting myths, stigma is crucial’

Men or women: Who is more prone to heart attacks?

‘You don’t have to understand it, just support it,’ Shaheen Bhatt to people who are dismissive of mental health

Statins do not commonly cause muscle pain: Lancet

This is what makes dry ginger ‘the real hero’

Can you drink alcohol, juices, aerated drinks and still lose weight?

Is it normal to have breast pain before periods?

‘I accept that I am feeling anxious’: Kriti Sanon on how she manages anxiety; expert shares some tips

Debina Bonnerjee’s four-month-old daughter tastes boiled, mashed apples; what is the right age to give solid foods to babies?

How yoga asanas kill belly fat

Fall Vaccination Campaign Will Bring New Shots, Worse Access

Say goodbye to period cramps with these nutrition and yoga tips

Supertech Twin Towers demolition: Here’s a health advisory on dos and don’ts to follow

Chris Evert needs everyone to listen

This Is Not the Monkeypox That Doctors Thought They Knew

What experts think of TikTok’s viral trend ‘mouth taping’ that claims to ensure sound sleep

How to Get Heart Patients to Take Their Pills? Give Them Just One.

‘Kick that constipation’ with these effective tips

Should you eat rice if you are suffering from PCOS or diabetes? Find out here

I struggle with bad breath, and dull hair and skin. What should I do?

‘Even doctors were confused,’ says Debina Bonnerjee who was ‘bleeding throughout first trimester’

International Dog Day 2022: How to boost your pet’s energy and get them to eat healthy

Psilocybin Therapy Sharply Reduces Excessive Drinking, Small Study Shows

Will Your Dog Get Dementia? A Large New Study Offers Clues.

Andrew Garfield recounts ‘starving’ himself of sex and food for a role; know what it can do to the body

Is low-sodium salt beneficial for people with high blood pressure? Experts answer

Got allergies? You could be at lower risk of catching COVID

Not able to lose weight despite exercising? This could be the reason

Does menopause affect blood sugar levels, especially in diabetics?

How to protect against monkeypox as school starts

Can eating more processed food, despite exercise, increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases?

Shaheen Bhatt talks about experiencing a panic attack: ‘It feels like you are dying’

The rules for drinking water, according to Ayurveda are…

Use of Marijuana and Psychedelics Is Soaring Among Young Adults, Study Finds

How to fight polio with cultural sensitivity

Why pain in pelvic region, urgent need to urinate may not necessarily indicate urinary tract infection

Why Should Monkeypox Be Renamed?

Sonali Phogat dies at 42: Are Indians more prone to heart attacks?

‘Didn’t realise how bad it was’: Sania Mirza pulls out of US Open due to tendon tear; why you must not ignore it

Five dos and don’ts for better health this monsoon

Can lack of sleep put you at a greater risk for diabetes?

Cancer deaths related to behavioral risk factors, study says

From moong, masoor, urad, to rajma — here’s how long you must soak each legume for

A Teen’s Journey Into the Internet’s Darkness and Back Again

Antioxidants help the body fight free radicals, but they can have harmful effects, too: Know more here

‘Covid virus does not yet have a seasonality or act predictably’: WHO’s epidemiologist Maria Van Kerkhove

These morning routines will help you ‘get back on track’ after a weekend binge-eating session

World Senior Citizen’s Day: Five eye care tips for the elderly

Meditation for beginners: Your complete guide

COVID infectiousness lasts more than 5 days, UK study finds

Should we take painkillers during menstruation?

Pickleball, Sport of the Future Injury?

How to differentiate between rash from a mosquito bite and other skin rashes?

Andropause: Everything you need to know about ‘male menopause’

Lettuce on Wendy’s Sandwiches Potentially Linked to E. Coli Outbreak

Smoking, alcohol use, high BMI responsible for 4.45 million global cancer deaths: Lancet study

Early metformin use may cut COVID-19 hospitalisation, death risk by half: Study

‘Not lactating’, says Debina Bonnerjee as she announces second pregnancy in less than six months

Why is swine flu surging in Maharashtra? What are the symptoms?

An Old Medicine Grows New Hair for Pennies a Day, Doctors Say

Polio Was Almost Eradicated. This Year It Staged a Comeback.

Can your pet get infected with monkeypox?

This sattu drink will help repair muscle, aid weight loss, prevent constipation

New Method Improves Speed and Cost of Birth Defect Testing

C.D.C. Investigates ‘Fast-Moving’ E. coli Outbreak

CVS, Walgreens and Walmart Must Pay $650.5 Million in Ohio Opioids Case

If you have been experiencing fatigue, lack of energy consider evaluating your CoQ10 levels

Was I Vaccinated Against Polio? Young Adults Wonder.

Psoriasis Awareness Month: Know what causes psoriasis in the belly button and how it is treated

Is fake meat healthy? And what’s actually in it?

Decoded: Why some people have more earwax than others

Polio May Have Been Spreading in New York Since April

Caution, when your love’s got COVID and you just had it

F.D.A. Clears Path for Hearing Aids to be Sold Over the Counter

Should diabetics cut down on white rice?

Vegetarian women have 33% greater risk of hip fracture – here are three things you can do to reduce your risk

The Forgotten Virus: Zika Families and Researchers Struggle for Support

UK approves Omicron-ready COVID vaccine

U.K. Approves Covid Booster Vaccine That Targets Two Variants

Does breastfeeding cause sagging? Here’s what an expert says

‘Frustration and Stress’: State Officials Fault Rollout of Monkeypox Vaccine

Expert shares best foods for improved libido and sexual health

Understanding ‘Karkidaka Chikitsa’, the rejuvenating and detoxifying Ayurvedic treatment for monsoon

Avoid these five disruptors for balanced hormones

10 dietary changes to ease the transition into menopause

Do you sweat a lot? Find out how it benefits the body

Can your non-stick pan cause liver cancer? Find out here

Which eye colour is more vulnerable to UV damage?

Which diet will help save our planet: climatarian, flexitarian, vegetarian or vegan?

Coronavirus in India News Updates: India reports 15,815 cases, 68 deaths in 24 hours; active cases stand at 1.19 lakh

What the New C.D.C. Guidelines Mean for You

Drug-coated balloon technique can replace stent usage, says expert

Drinking milk ‘didn’t help’ us with lactose intolerance

Try these detox tips post Raksha Bandhan to boost your metabolism

Don’t Blame Monkeys for Monkeypox, W.H.O. Says After Attacks

What to Know About Monkeypox

Monkeypox can become endemic – here’s how it can be stopped in its tracks

High fever, sore throat, bronchitis — COVID-19 symptoms in latest Delhi surge

Living with HIV, he needs quick access to ART drugs

Is premature menopause associated with increased risk of heart problems?

Extra polio shot offered to London children as concern grows

Langya: All you need to know about the new zoonotic virus detected in China

Comedian Raju Srivastava suffers ‘mild heart attack’ at the gym; things to keep in mind while exercising

Popular diabetes drug found to contain potential carcinogen

Feel bloated after breakfast? These tips will help

You must avoid coffee if…

Climate change may increase mortality rate due to excess heat by six times: Lancet study

UK couple conceives and births ‘triplets’ in four-year span: IVF experts explain the science behind it

Is soya chaap a good source of protein?

The Long, Long Wait for a Diabetes Cure

Decoding the link between perfumes and PCOS

Six ways to beat Attention Deficit Disorder

Five reasons why you should replace regular oil with avocado oil

Drinking this much alcohol can make you drunk

Experts decode the link between long Covid and lower sex drive

What your morning appetite says about your metabolism

There’s just one drug to treat monkeypox. Good luck getting it!

Want to lose weight and boost immunity? Try this special drink with Indian spices

Some Women ‘Self-Manage’ Abortions as Access Recedes

‘Early intervention through counselling in educational institutions is the key’: Prof Vikram Patel

Sharing bed with your partner can improve sleep and mental health, says study

There’s Just One Drug to Treat Monkeypox. Good Luck Getting It.

Leon E. Rosenberg, Geneticist Who Wrote of His Depression, Dies at 89

Doctors warn against viral TikTok trend ‘vabbing’; here’s what it means and why you mustn’t do it

Health care is responsible for seven per cent of our carbon emissions and there are safe and easy ways this can be reduced

Does marital status play a role in the treatment of women diagnosed with gynaecological infections? Here’s what doctors say

Expert shares health warnings women should be aware of in their 30s

Here’s how mothers can increase their lactation supply

1 in 8 SARS-CoV-2 patients develop long COVID symptoms: Lancet study

Breastfeeding Awareness Week: How long should you breastfeed your baby?

World Lung Cancer Day: ‘Tobacco damages lung tissue, smokers over 50 must get scans’

Bone and Joint Day: What do long work hours do to your health? Find out

Here’s how you can cut down on caffeine

Doing this yoga asana every morning helps improve bowel movement, stay active

How donor hearts gifted life to Anwar, Lavanya and Mitesh

The right order to eat your food is…

All about immune thrombocytopenic purpura, the rare blood disorder Mandy Moore suffers from

Health ministry releases dos and don’ts to prevent contracting monkeypox

Breastfeeding Awareness Week: Who is a lactation consultant and when to see one?

With 2 more, India records 8 monkeypox cases

Maharashtra: Over 175 heart transplants in state in 7 yrs

Keep seasonal diseases at bay with these five monsoon essentials

Tamil Nadu man receives hands of brain-dead donor from Ahmedabad; says he’s ‘filled with gratitude’

Dietitian lists the ‘classic symptoms’ of diabetes

Are there any side effects of drinking tea on an empty stomach every morning?

Breastfeeding and exercise: Here’s everything a nursing mother should know

Older Generations Are Reclaiming Rites of Passage

World Lung Cancer Day 2022: Are non-smokers also at risk of developing it?

Current monkeypox symptoms different from previous outbreaks: BMJ study

Nutritionist shares things one can do for facial hair growth reduction

‘Sisters, not twins’: What a doctor says about having different sizes of breasts

Seven reasons Nordic walking is better for you than the normal kind

Here’s what the colour of your vaginal discharge could mean